CCS Annual Trunk or Treat FAQs
Important Information for Trunk or Treat
Lower grade (K-5)students must be accompanied by an adult at all times. No drop-offs.
Upper grade students (6 - 8th) not accompanied by an adult will be required to show their Cottonwood ID for entry.
If we do not have enough registered vehicles, the Trunk or Treat portion may be cancelled.
Candy will be handed out by each trunk only while supplies last
Parents are responsible for checking their children’s candy for allergens.
What is Trunk or Treat?
Trunk or Treat is a Halloween-themed event where volunteers decorate their car trunks and pass out candy to kids in their Halloween costumes. Last year, 20 decorated car trunks handed out over 10,000 pieces of candy!
When is the event?
The event is on Friday, October 28th starting at 6:00pm. Trunk or Treat will only be open until 8:00 pm, or while candy supplies last.
Where is the event taking place?
The Trunk or Treat portion will be in the CCS Staff Parking Lot.
Who can attend this event?
This event is open to all CCS students, teachers, staff and their families. To get an approximate count of attendees please RSVP at by Oct 23rd.
RSVP at :
What do I bring to the event?
A small bag for your child to collect a few pieces of candy at the Trunk or Treat portion of the event, a flashlight, and of course, your costume! Costumes must follow DUSD Guidelines and should not include pretend weapons or be violent in nature.
How can I help make this event a success?
We are requesting volunteers to bring their cars, decorate their trunks, and hand out candy (candy will be provided by the PFC). Team up with friends, neighbors, or colleagues for some friendly, creative competition!
We will be posting signup information for volunteers soon. Please consider volunteering.
How do I register to decorate my trunk?
We are limited to 25 parking spots. If you are interested in decorating your trunk, please complete the signup form by October 16th.