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PFC General Meeting Notes and Shared Documents


For 2019-2020 -2021 - 2022 -2023 Budget please refer to the Archive section



Meeting Minutes 

For minutes from prior years please refer to the Archive section.




Please check the PFC Calendar for the schedule of the monthly PFC general meetings.​




Refer to the Financial Guidelines and Policies document for more information regarding any of these forms.


If you have any questions prior to submitting a form or don't see what you are looking for here, Contact PFC Treasurer at


Expense Reimbursement Form

For expenses incurred for pre-approved stipend/grant awards, programs, and events.


Direct Purchase Request Form

Request the PFC to make a direct purchase or direct payment for a previously approved spending.


Special Funding Request Form

For any special funding requests.


Event Proposal Form

If you have a program, event proposal and want to host it for the coming year, please send a detailed request to


Other CCS PFC Documents

Forms and PFC Standard Documentation

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